
Latest news on the CLEVER Cities project

Exploring Green Innovations: Study Visit of Larissa Representatives to Milan

20 July 2023

Exploring Green Innovations: Study Visit of Larissa Representatives to Milan

20 July 2023


For the Second CLEVER Study Visit, representatives from the CLEVER fellow city of Larissa embarked on a study visit to Milan. The objective of the visit was to gain insights and knowledge from Milan's successful implementation of CLEVER projects. With a focus on green roofs, co-housing, urban parks, and living walls, the representatives explored the challenges faced and benefits derived from a co-design approach.

On Wednesday, June 7th, the representatives from Larissa eagerly delved into Milan's innovative projects, starting with a visit to four towers of social housing in via Russoli. The ongoing implementation of green roofs on these towers showcased Milan's commitment to sustainable and inclusive urban development.

Continuing their exploration, the Larissa representatives proceeded to visit four green roofs of Villaggio Barona, which were part of a co-housing complex. By employing a co-design approach, Milan successfully addressed key issues and reaped the benefits of shared responsibility particularly for maintenance of green roofs by residents.

The Larissa representatives then had the opportunity to witness the remarkable transformation of Giambellino 129 Park. This urban park served as a testament to Milan's dedication to enhancing community spaces. By involving local residents in the implementation, planting trees and plants together, the park thrived as a result of increased community ownership and utilization.

Next on the agenda was a visit to the outdoor living wall 75-meter-long in via Giambellino 121. The discussions revolved around the challenges faced in implementing living walls, such as irrigation and maintenance, and how the co-design pathway facilitated effective problem-solving particularly for the administrative process.

The next day the Larissa and Milan CLEVER team visited the Tibaldi train stop. The project allowed citizens to contribute their ideas and preferences for the design and selection of plants. One notable feature of the station is the stunning green wall that adorns its exterior. This living wall not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of the station but also contributes to the overall environmental sustainability of the area.

The study visit concluded with a productive meeting between the representatives of Larissa and the Urban Planning department of the Municipality of Milan. This meeting provided a valuable platform for Larissa and Milan to engage in discussions surrounding the common challenges they face in implementing Nature-based solutions within their planning instruments. By sharing their challenges, Larissa and Milan found common ground and identified areas where collaboration and knowledge exchange could play a pivotal role in overcoming obstacles when implementing nature-based solutions. These challenges ranged from policy integration and stakeholder engagement to funding mechanisms and implementation strategies. Through open dialogue and mutual learning, the representatives gained valuable insights that will inform their future efforts.



Il 23 giugno, siamo stati lieti di ospitare una delegazione del partner del Comune di Larissa, composta dal signor George Soultis, Assessore per la Pianificazione Operativa e i Lavori Tecnici, e dalla signora Maria Nikolaidou, del Dipartimento dei Programmi Europei, specializzata in pianificazione territoriale e sviluppo regionale.

In un giorno assolato di un’estate anticipata, ci siamo avventurati in un tour durato due giorni nei cantieri dei progetti in corso a Giambellino 129 e dei tetti verdi di Russoli. È stata l’occasione per ammirare i lavori completati in Via Ettore Ponti, presso la Stazione Tibaldi e l'imponente parete verde di Giambellino 121. Questa visita ci ha permesso di approfondire e documentare le NBS realizzate nell'ambito dell'iniziativa CLEVER Cities, e ha anche favorito lo scambio di opinioni e la condivisione delle migliori pratiche tra i partner del progetto e i cittadini attivamente coinvolti nei vari processi partecipativi.

A conclusione dei due giorni, ci siamo riuniti negli uffici del Comune di Milano, situati all'ultimo piano, impreziosito da un suggestivo tetto verde, da cui abbiamo potuto ammirare un’incantevole vista panoramica sull'intera città.

Milan Gets Green