
Latest news on the CLEVER Cities project

CLEVER Cities goes Euresfo

12 October 2023

CLEVER Cities goes Euresfo

12 October 2023


Since 2013, EURESFO has served as a central platform for the exchange of city representatives, experts and stakeholders to discuss strategies, initiatives and actions to adapt to climate change, cope with disasters and build urban resilience. This year, we are proud to present the results of our CLEVER Cities project in the form of three guided sessions and an information stand in Cascais, Portugal, from 18 to 20 October. The sessions aim to focus on transformative strategies for urban resilience - see below:

18 October 2023, 14:15 - 15:45, Unveiling the power of nature-based solutions for equitable, green and healthy European cities.

Let's dive into a decade of discussions and practical solutions to help cities adapt to an ever-changing climate. This session will explore nature-based solutions (NbS) and the integration of green-blue infrastructure in planning and implementation. It will also assess the performance of established solutions and consider strategies for scaling up and accelerating their wider impact. It will also reflect on the transformative aspect of resilience, with particular attention to the role of participation in extending the reach of these solutions.

19 October 2023, 14:15 - 17:45, Quinta do Pisão Biodiversity + Session "Ecological quality of restoration activities and nature-based solutions"

This session will provide a comprehensive exploration of the principles and practical strategies that underpin the creation of resilient cities that are harmoniously integrated with their natural surroundings. The aim is to equip participants with the knowledge and tools necessary to effectively integrate restoration practices into urban planning. This is an important step towards a more sustainable and resilient future.

20 October 2023,11:00 -12:15, Scaling Up NbS: Are we ready to unleash nature's full potential?

The third session will focus on governance structures and innovative financing schemes for managing and financing adaptation projects and measures. In the face of a changing climate and a decade marked by new and extreme events, it will discuss governance models and financing schemes that can cope with multi-hazard scenarios and increasingly frequent climate extremes and overlapping crises. It will also explore governance solutions that local and regional governments have adopted to address immediate crises and long-term challenges. Identifying good practices that enable resilient responses to multi-hazard scenarios and considering how these can be scaled up and replicated will also be part of the session. Discussions will include ways to support cities and regions with limited capacity to accelerate resilient transformation.


Finally, the CLEVER sessions will have a strong focus on up-scaling NbS, touching on standardisation practices, policy frameworks and successful NbS project implementation, all contributing to the global expansion of NbS initiatives. We are delighted to be part of EURESFO and look forward to the week ahead, and hope to see you there!

Cascais, Portugal