30 Sep 22, 14:00 - 16:00
Milan, Italy - Casa dei Diritti, Via de Amicis
Saving with Nature: Milano Green Week workshop
30 Sep 22, 14:00 - 16:00
Milan, Italy - Casa dei Diritti, Via de Amicis
As part of Milano Green Week 2022, that will take place from 30/9 till 2/10/2022, the CLEVER Cities European Project presents the national workshop “Risparmiare con la natura” ("Saving with nature"). The workshop will offer the opportunity for an in-depth discussion on the role of green strategies and in particular Nature Based Solutions (NBS) to address the economic, energy and social crisis: which solutions can be adopted, how to finance them and what are the benefits in terms of energy saving. The workshop has been selected as an institutional event by the Municipality of Milan and will be held on September 30th at 2.00 pm at the Casa dei Diritti in via de Amicis. Councilor Giancarlo Tancredi and Arch. Simona Collarini - for the Municipality of Milan - will introduce the event.
Milano Green Week (Milano Green Week)