Latest news on the CLEVER Cities project
29 April 2019
CLEVER Cities co-creation and monitoring teams gather in Bilbao
29 April 2019
The CLEVER Cities project is aiming for a new kind of nature-based urban transformation for socially inclusive cities, and a key part of the process is collaboration - both within the cities as well as between them. To make sure the CLEVER Cities methods and guidelines work for all involved, good planning and coordination is essential. On 8 and 9 April 2019, the CLEVER Cities team gathered in Bilbao (Spain), headquarters of project partner TECNALIA, to coordinate the work on co-creation and co-monitoring impact in the front-runner cities. Over 40 participants attended, including the project coordinator, representatives and stakeholders from each of the front-runner cities of Hamburg, London and Milan, and other relevant partners from the project.
The cities presented their visions and latest plans for the CLEVER Action Labs - the neighbourhoods targeted for green transformation. More concretely, they updated the group on the types of nature-based solutions proposed for their areas, discussed the challenges faced and next steps of activities planned. Key themes addressed included innovation and engagement of stakeholders in the co-creation process.
In order to coordinate the CLEVER Cities monitoring process, partners presented the project’s Theory of Change and auditing tool. Additionally, a round-table session enabled cities to provide important input and relevant key performance indicators for monitoring and assessing impact. The presence of the thematic leaders for the monitoring process, together with the leaders and data managers of the local monitoring teams, was key to the in-depth exchange among the group.
“The results of the discussions were very fruitful, and will be used as insights for the development of the next steps”, explained Dr. Carolina Cantergiani, Tecnalia.
Image: CLEVER Cities team in Bilbao / Álvaro Santander